ALONE is asking older people across Ireland to seek any support they need during the cold snap.

And for everyone to check in where possible with older people in their communities.
ALONE, who support thousands of older people across the whole country are monitoring the weather very closely and are checking with older people they support across all areas. Met Eireann have issued a yellow weather warning for the whole country as temperatures are set to plummet to -3 degrees or lower in many areas with the middle of the country being the most severely impacted.
The organisation, that enables people to age at home, is asking older people across the country to look for support they may need and for others be aware of older people in their communities who may be challenged, or more isolated because of the cold snap. Cold weather events cause excess winter deaths, so it is a public health issue to all of us to be aware of. Slips, trips and falls in over 75s can have serious even fatal consequences, with an average of 20% of people dying within a year of a hip fracture. Cold snaps also result in increased amounts of lung infections weeks afterwards. We want older people to get the support they require.
ALONE is recommending older people to:
- Keep the heating on in their home, especially in the rooms that they use the most.
- Eat and drink hot food and beverages to stay warm, perhaps even using the microwave if there is a concern around energy efficiency.
- Wear more than one layer of clothing to stay warm.
- Avoid making journeys that involve going outdoors particularly in counties affected by the snow-ice warning.
- If using an electric blanket, check for signs of wear and tear – if the blanket is old and damaged, do not use it under any circumstances.
- Keep in touch with friends and family to let them know if you need any practical support such as picking up fuel, medicines and groceries.
Sean Moynihan ALONE, CEO said, “We’re asking people to look out for the older and more vulnerable members of the community. Please stay in touch with older friends, family and neighbours. It’s vital that homes are kept warm and comfortable, particularly for those with underlying health difficulties, which can be exacerbated by the cold weather.
“If you’re an older person concerned about using your heating because of the cost of energy, or if you know someone in that situation, you can call ALONE on 0818 222 024, seven days a week from 8 a.m. or 8 p.m. There are supports available from ALONE and other organisations, please get in touch and if you have concerns or need any information about keeping older people safe during this cold spell”.
Moynihan continued, “We are urging the public to tap into that great community spirit that we have, check in with the older people in your community and make sure they have all they need to stay warm. Look in on them, let them see a friendly face, offer to do the shopping if you can, and direct any older person who needs our support to ALONE on 0818 222 024 or at ”
Moynihan concluded: “If you’re concerned about an older person in your community, don’t assume someone else has checked in or offered help. Don’t leave it to others, make the call or knock on the door and let’s get everyone through this safely”.
Contact ALONE on 0818 222 024 if you have concerns about your own wellbeing, or the wellbeing of an older person in the community. Further information, including advice and tips for older people in extreme weather conditions, can be found on . For more information see also and