
About the Community Impact Network

The Community Impact Network (CIN) is a national network focused on building the collective leadership and capacity of organisations to meet the needs of older people in Ireland.  

Community Impact Network offers Networking, Training, Technology, Resources & Best Practice to support the membership base. We develop connections and partnerships between statutory, community and voluntary services which enhance services for older people.  


  • Connects members locally, regionally and nationally. 
  • Grown from organisations locally and nationally working together to form a shared platform for learning. 
  • Highlights service gaps and members needs. 
  • Works with local services to better focus our collective efforts. 
  • Support member organisations to adapt and replicate proven models, in order to consolidate infrastructure and service provision nationally.   
  • Map both demographics and available services across the country. 


Community Impact Network works with affiliated organisations – private corporations, schools, public bodies, local government, and other services that provide support to older people living at home and in the community.  

We connect, we network, we train across diverse organisations.  We gather organisations into one national network base for services that support older people to create a greater impact. 

The Community Impact Network services and resources include:
  • Community Impact Network membership
  • Training
  • Advice & Information provision
  • Template Documents
  • Networking opportunities
  • Peer-to-peer sessions
  • National seminars and events
  • Newsletter
  • Information on and access to devices
  • Access to a data management system with associated training and supports
  • Collaboration and partnership opportunities
  • For more information on the CIN click here  CIN Information

Get in touch with us contact us at [email protected]


To become a member of the Community Impact Network please complete the following form : Click Here


Training Schedule

In 2023, the Community Impact Network worked directly with over 200 organisations through the delivery of training, support and resources.

We are now delighted to release our Training Schedule!

Join our online training to:

  • Develop your skills and knowledge on key areas that affect older persons
  • Develop the capacity of your organisation to support older persons
  • Meet likeminded community groups and network

Access to training is available as part of your membership. We also provide training supports to affiliated organisations – private corporations, schools, public bodies, local government, and other services that provide support to older people living at home and in the community.

We train, we connect, we network across diverse organisations, and we bring these into one national network base for services that support older people to create a greater impact.

Please register here

We are always interested in new members, so please contact at [email protected] if you wish to access any of our training/ learn about our membership.

Training October

Training Programme Information

Training Module/Programme Information to: Community Impact Network Members have access to monthly scheduled online training via e-learning, zoom and in-person formats. Online training is via: self-directed e-learning completion and associated zoom facilitated training or zoom only facilitated training session/s.  Training timings are: 1.5 hours per e- learning and facilitated sessions. 

Some modules incorporate self-directed e-learning and a facilitated session, others are facilitated only. Please see more details below on our Training Programmes and associated modules. In person training including day/group training is available on request. 

Training can be requested and booked by completing the CIN Training Registration form.   

Or by contacting the team at: [email protected] 

CIN Support & Befriending Services Training Programme
This an ideal training program for services who would like Community Impact Network to train their staff and befrienders. In this training all of the essential areas of telephone support and befriending and/or visitation support and befriending are covered. The following modules are included: CIN Support and Befriending Service Set-Up, CIN Support and Befriending Coordination Training,  Support and Case Management Training, CIN Support and Befriending Learn How to Train Your Befrienders, CIN Support and Befriending Befriender/ Volunteer Module, CIN Safeguarding for Support & Befriending services.
The training will equip staff, volunteers and befrienders to support an older person to age in safety and with dignity at home. The training can be adapted to suit each specific service providing a telephone befriending and/or visitation service. Training module options are also provided on how to develop training for the service, group organisation to train their own befrienders and how to set-up a support and case management service.
CIN Support and Befriending Service Set-Up
This training for those is specifically designed for those who are in the process of, or interested in, setting up a befriending service in Ireland. It covers all of the areas that need
to consider and worked on before befriending service gets up and running. After attending this training, attendees will:
  • Know what you need to consider before setting-up a service
  • Be able to identify what kind of befriending and related services operate in Ireland
  • Know what costs are involved in running a befriending service
  • Understand sustainability and ways you can fund your service
  • Be able to identify ways to create a brand for your service
  • List the key policies and paperwork needed for your service
  • Know the recommended staffing structure of a befriending service
  • Be able to identify the key legal requirements needed for your service
  • Have an understanding of a basic office and IT set-up for your service
CIN Support and Case Management

This training provides a framework for Support and Case Management. This training is ideal for organisations who work with older people or with individuals with additional support needs. This training is modelled on the Support Coordination service that ALONE provides to older people both in housing and in the community.

After attending this training, you will:

  • Know techniques to identify the issue(s) a person presents with
  • Have an understanding of the different support work levels
  • Understand comprehensive assessments and techniques
  • Know what steps to take post assessment
  • Understand the case noting system and know how to write case notes
  • Gain an understanding of Support Plan Objectives
  • Know ways to advocate for a person you are supporting
  • Gain and understanding of gaps and blocks in support and case management
CIN Support and Befriending Coordination

This training is an ideal follow on from Service Set up training for services who are just starting up. This training is also suitable for established services that would like a refresher or advice on Befriending Coordination. After attending this training, attendees will:

  • Know methods and steps to source and recruit befrienders
  • Be able to list referral sources and ways to generate referrals to your service
  • Know methods to successfully assess a befriendee for your service
    Understand matching and how to go about setting up befriending matches
  • Know how to support befriendees and befrienders in befriending relationships
  • Be able to list ways to manage risk and to safeguard befriendees and befrienders
  • Know typical ways to store service information and data
CIN Learn How to Train your Befrienders

This training course is designed specifically for services who are looking to design and deliver their own core befriender training to their befrienders. This training takes the stress out of knowing what to train your befrienders on and how to create a comprehensive training course to best prepare your befrienders in their roles.

After attending this training, you will:

  • Be able to identify topics need to be covered in core befriender training
  • List and discuss what training methods are most suitable for befriender training
  • Know how to structure a training session for befriender training
  • Be able to explain learning styles and how to cater to all learning styles in befriender training
  • Know assessment and evaluation techniques suitable for befriender training
  • Be able to manage diversity in befriender training
  • Be able to identify training materials useful for befriender training
  • Know methods to refresh befrienders in befriender training over the longer term
CIN Safeguarding for Support & Befriending Services

This training is beneficial and suitable for new or established services. This module for befriending services covers all aspects of safeguarding in regards staff, befriending service and volunteer responsibilities.

The training provides you with information, tools and resources to prepare for and communicate on safeguarding within your support and befriending services. We recommend this training as an addition to: HSELAND Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults at Risk of Abuse Training. Safeguarding awareness training is available on HSELAND and is a requirement for all people working in older persons services and services for adults with disabilities.

CIN Volunteer Support and Befriending Training

In this training all of the essential areas to support a volunteer in advance of their role as a befriender:

  • What befriending is and the befriending role
  • Boundaries
  • Communication Skills
  • Health and Safety Support Network
  • Change of Circumstances
  • Matching Steps
CIN Member Training & Development Programme

CIN member organisations will receive access to a range of training and development supports in order to promote learning, share vision and values, align approaches, standards and strengthen the network.

CIN Member Training & Development Modules are designed to support and develop the capacity of member organisations staff and volunteers which will enhance services for older people. These training topics are selected and compiled based on and input from members nationally which includes statutory, community and voluntary services.

Current modules: 

CIN Writing Grant Applications, CIN Service Promotion & Impact, CIN Safeguarding , CIN Communication Styles and Dealing with Challenging Calls, CIN Community Advocacy, CIN Organising Local Events, CIN Boundaries, CIN Dementia, CIN Self-Care.

CIN Writing Grant Applications

This training provides guidelines and supports on identifying and applying for grants. It will support your service with the key ways to prepare for and write grant applications, covering the areas of:

  • Types of grants.
  • Knowing your project.
  • Knowing your funder.
  • Making the application
  • Principles for good governance
CIN Service Promotion and Impact
  • Why is service promotion important?
  • Language and messaging.
  • Key audiences and networking.
  • Media options.
  • Digital options.
  • Promotional materials.
  • Collecting & using case studies.
  • What is a case study and why are they important?
  • Case study structure and types.
  • Approaching participants and consent.
CIN Organising Local Events

This training and information is helpful for a staff or volunteer member who has responsibility for event organisation. Content covered will include:

  • Hosting virtual and in person events
  • Set your event goals and objectives.
  • Develop an event master plan. (Identify and select your tech tools)
  • Create an event budget.
  • Select your event’s date.
  • Brand your event and begin publicity.
  • Arrange speakers for your event.
  • Coordinate with event suppliers (catering, equipment, etc).
  • Manage event day set up and execution.
  • Evaluate the success of your event!
CIN Communications Styles and Dealing with Challenging Calls

This training is suitable for any staff or volunteer member within a service, group or organisation. Content is supportive to all, whether the role is an administrative, frontline support or volunteer role. This training will discuss, review and provide time for reflection on:

  • Types of challenging calls
  • Communication styles & techniques.
  • Dealing with challenging calls.
  • Ways to manage difficult calls.
  • Self-care post call.
CIN Safeguarding

This training is recommended for services who are new to supporting older people or services who would like to refresh on their safeguarding supports and policies. Following this training particpants will have knowledge on what safeguarding adults is and what it involves. We recommend this training as an addition to: HSELAND Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults at Risk of Abuse Training. Safeguarding awareness training is available on HSeLanD and is a requirement for all people working in older persons services and services for adults with disabilities.

  • Know what may impact on vulnerability and risk to abuse.
  • Know what you need to consider before putting in place or refreshing your safeguarding procedures.
  • Understand duties, roles and responsibilities for you, your service, staff and volunteers.
  • List and identify types of abuse.
  • How to recognize types and indicators of harm and abuse.
  • Understand reasons for non-disclosures.
  • Know the reason for policies and procedures.
  • What to do if you suspect that someone is being harmed.
  • Awareness of self-care and support with reporting.
  • Access to additional information resources
CIN Community Advocacy

This training will inform participants on what community advocacy is and how collectively we can advocate to enable older people to age at home and be connected to their communities. Participants will:

  • Describe and discuss the meaning of community.
  • Know what our communities mean to us.
  • Have awareness on Advocacy, what it is and the different forms of advocacy.
  • Know information on policy, advocacy and campaigning.
  • Be guided on the importance of community advocacy to influence policy and change.
  • Knowledgeable on how community advocacy can support older people in your community.
  • Learn ways to advocate for and within their community
CIN Boundaries

This training is supportive and relevant to staff or volunteer members. Through this training you will:

  • Understand how boundaries can impact our work and home environment.
  • Recognise how personal boundaries affect professional & personal relationships.
  • Learn about the several types of boundaries that exist.
  • Gain valuable insights into boundary-making.
  • Learn how to recognise when your boundaries are healthy and unhealthy.
  • Determine when to say yes and when to say no within your professional relationships.
  • Learn to recognise your motivations toward responsibilities and making that link to your own boundaries.
  • Learn to make boundaries when working from home.
  • Learn how to say no in your personal and professional life.
  • Establishing your boundaries as a volunteer
CIN Self-Care

This an ideal training program for services that would like to provide access to training and supports on self care for their staff and teams.
Participants of the course will have a better understanding upon completion of the module of:

  • Basic terms and concepts of mental health and sef-care
  • Ways we can look after our mental health with kindness and care
  • Self-compassion and self-care as our mental health goes up and down
  • Burnout & self-care
  • How we can acknowledge our pain and respond with kindness
  • Simple to use self-care strategies
CIN Positive Living Programme

We are excited to introduce our Positive Living Programme, our new suite of training modules crafted to deepen your understanding and enhance your skills in supporting Older People.   

Complete these training programme to: 

  • Empower Yourself: Gain essential skills for supporting Older People.
  • Boost Your Confidence: Tackle diverse situations with assurance.
  • Access Professional & Peer Support: Certification and build network connections.
  • Empowering Older People: Build stronger, empathetic connections
CIN Supporting Older People with their Mental Health

This an ideal training program for services that would like to provide some training on Supporting Older People with Mental Health
Upon completion of this course participants will have a better understanding of:

  • Common Mental Health Difficulties
  • Mental Health and the Older Person
  • Mental Health Supports Available
  • Minding Our Own Mental Health
CIN Supporting Older People with Early Signs of Cancer for Staff

This an ideal training program for services that would like to provide some training on Supporting Older People with Early Signs of Cancer

Upon completion of this course particpants will have a better understanding of :

  • Communication & Overcoming Barriers when supporting an Older Person who has symptoms that may be caused by cancer
  • How to support yourself when supporting an Older Person who has symptoms that may be caused by cancer
  • The importance of early diagnosis of cancer
  • Cancer signs and symptoms
  • Cancer risk factors
CIN Grief and Bereavement

This an ideal training program for services that would like to provide some training on Grief and Bereavement

Attendees of the course will have a better understanding upon completion of:

  • Types of Grief
  • Stages of Grief
  • Self Care and Wellbeing
CIN Dementia

This training is offered as information in developing particpants knowledge, skills and understanding of what Dementia is and the needs of people with dementia. This training is also designed to support family members/care givers how they should respond to people with dementia.
This training provides knowledge, skills and understanding on:

  • What Dementia is and what it is not.
  • Types, causes and behaviours of Dementia.
  • Stages of Dementia
  • How Dementia is Diagnosed
  • Next Steps – Pathway of Care
  • Living with Dementia
  • Dementia in the community
Hi Digital, Digital Champion Training Programme

Hi Digital is a national programme to tackle the digital divide by upskilling older persons.
Our role with this programme is to deliver Digital Champion training. Once trained, the ‘Digital Champion’ can then support older persons use their device and make the most of being online. We train community groups, schools and corporates.

See our leaflets below:

For more info or any queries please contact [email protected]


Hi Digital is a national programme to tackle the digital divide by upskilling older persons.

Our role with this programme is to deliver Digital Champion training.  Once trained, the ‘Digital Champion’ can then support older persons use their device and make the most of being online.

We train community groups, schools and corporates.

See our leaflets below:

For more info or contact [email protected]

National Community Impact Network Directory

Please click on the map below to find the locations of Community Impact Network members nationally. Some of these member services also provide Befriending Service for older people in your area. These organisations are part of Community Impact Network, and are independent of ALONE.


Contact us

For further details and more information please contact [email protected] and our team will be in contact with you.


To become a member of the Community Impact Network please complete the following form : Click Here