Joan, Staying at Home Case Study

Joan, 95, is a former author and artist who lives by herself in Dublin. Joan, a widow, was first referred to ALONE in 1998 due to feelings of loneliness and isolation. The support Joan needs to continue living independently have changed over the years. ALONE ensures to meet these needs, enabling her to stay living in her own house where she feels safe and comfortable.
I want to stay at home. I would never live anywhere else. I have my dogs here.
Joan loves her home and likes to be around the things which remind her of her friends and family.
I would never go into a nursing home, this is my home. I couldn’t manage without the care I receive.
Through ALONE, Joan’s Befriending Volunteer Aoife visits her for one hour a week to provide company and companionship. They spend their time discussing books and Joan’s time as an artist in Dublin in the 1950’s. Support from ALONE and her Home Help means Joan can stay living at home.