The Loneliness Taskforce Research Network (LTRN) brings together Irish loneliness researchers, academics and community members to inform loneliness research and policy recommendations. This document highlights the key research priorities identified by LTRN members. The study involved two stages. Firstly, research priorities emerged from roundtable discussions between 51 network members on multiple topics such as loneliness in older and younger people, loneliness and health, loneliness and technology, risk factors and targeted interventions for loneliness. The priorities identified in Phase 1 were then ranked by 22 members in a follow-up survey.
Key findings include three top research priorities:
- Understanding the risk factors for loneliness and its high prevalence in Ireland
- Identifying the prevalence and characteristics of loneliness among younger people
- Identifying the impact of financial challenges of loneliness in older people and mapping existing loneliness interventions in Ireland
These findings will enable researchers and policy makers to allocate resources effectively and focus on research topics highlighted by experts.