July 21, 2023

ALONE welcome increased rate of pay for home support workers but raise concern at cut to home support hours to be delivered this year.

Dublin, 21 July: ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age at home, has welcomed the increased rate of pay for home support workers but says older people should not see their care hours cut. The organisation was responding to the announcement that the Department of Health sanctioned an […]
July 13, 2023

ALONE calls for pension increases and urgent investment in services in their Pre-Budget Submission

There are ‘One Million and Counting’ older people in Ireland. Dublin, 13th July 2023: ALONE has called on Government today to make urgent investments now in Budget 2024 that will make Ireland a country that is fair and just to our older population from 2024 and into the future. In […]
June 8, 2023

ALONE call for urgent Action Plan on Loneliness as data reveals Ireland is the loneliest country in Europe

Action Plan on loneliness was committed to by Government but has not progressed   Dublin, 8 June: ALONE, the national organisation supporting older people to age at home, has called for action from the Department of Health on loneliness, as new data shows that Ireland is the loneliest country in […]
May 31, 2023

ALONE calls on Government to live up to commitment to benchmark the State Pension

At current levels the Government would need to increase the pension by €40 to reach its own commitment to benchmark.   Dublin, 31st May: ALONE has said that Government must fulfil their commitments to benchmark the State Pension to average earnings and inflation in the next Budget. The charity says […]
May 11, 2023

A quarter of older renters expect to remain in the private rental sector for life Joint ALONE/Threshold Report

· New joint research report on older renters in the private rental sector launched · 42% of participants experience high stress levels renting in the private sector · Charities set out 12 new recommendations to address deficits in the PRS for older renters   A new research report by the […]
April 18, 2023

“Mental health crisis among older people not being talked about”: ALONE call for mental health supports for older people at Joint Oireachtas Sub-Committee on Mental Health

Mental health conditions among older people “under-recognised, under-diagnosed, and under-treated”   Dublin, 18th April 2023: ALONE, the charity that supports older people, has today called for additional focus on mental health difficulties being experienced by older people as the number of interventions to support mental health carried out by ALONE […]
April 6, 2023

This Easter, we need help to allow older people get back out there post pandemic but we need a Government Strategy for Loneliness.

• 70% of older people that ALONE assessed in Q4 of 2022 reported feeling lonely. • 1 in 10 of these older people haven’t been out socially in at least 1 year. • 1 in 5 haven’t been out socially in the last 6 months. • 5% of adults over […]
March 24, 2023

Number of older people aged 70+ on the social housing waiting list crosses 2,000 for the first time

More than 1 in 4 on social housing waiting list aged 50+ Social housing waiting lists are dropping, but number of older people in housing need increasing Dublin, 24 March: ALONE, the national charity that enables older people to age at home, has called for urgent action to combat the […]
March 9, 2023

ALONE asks public to check in on older people in their community during cold weather.

Met Eireann issues an orange warning for most of the country from Thursday into Friday Dublin, 9th March: ALONE, the national charity that enables older people to age at home is reminding the public that older people are particularly vulnerable to harm during the cold weather. Met Éireann had issued […]
March 1, 2023

ALONE calls for long-awaited national strategy to combat loneliness in light of ‘Hello Again World’ campaign

The charity has noted that loneliness is a complex national issue which needs more than an awareness campaign to resolve it   Dublin, 1st March: ALONE, the national charity that enables older people to age at home, has broadly welcomed the launch of the ‘Hello Again World’ campaign aiming to […]
February 21, 2023

ALONE welcomes additional cost of living measures announced by government but warns of a need for longer-term thinking

Calls relating to financial and legal difficulties grew by over 400% in winter 2022   Dublin, February 21st : ALONE, the charity that helps people to age at home, has welcomed the latest set of cost-of-living measures announced by government which includes targeted measures for older people. ALONE has welcomed […]
December 8, 2022

ALONE encourage older people to reach out for assistance if they are struggling during the cold weather

The organisation is also reminding the public to check in on older neighbours as weather takes a colder turn. ALONE is urging older people to take extra care and keep themselves and their homes warm and well as temperatures begin to drop in the coming days.   Met Éireann has […]
October 28, 2022

Support & Befriending service reduces health decline, shows new research by ALONE, Trinity College and partners

New research funded by the Health Research Board and ALONE, hosted by Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN), shows that support and befriending services for older people can reduce health decline   Dublin, October 28th: ALONE and a multi-institutional team led by Dr Joanna McHugh Power (Maynooth University) and Dr […]
October 20, 2022

Growth and Integration: ALONE reflects on a memorable 2021 with the publishing of its Annual Report.

Dublin, 20th October: ALONE the charity that supports older people in Ireland launched its annual report today. The report comes after a challenging 2021 which saw ALONE interact with the largest number of older people in its history. It has grown as an organisation, but this is due to the […]
October 11, 2022

Older people in Cork need your support – ALONE is calling for members of the public in Cork to volunteer their friendship

Dublin, 11th October 2022 ALONE, the organisation which supports older people to age at home, is recruiting volunteers in Cork. The organisation is encouraging members of the public to get involved in their local community by volunteering to participate in their various volunteer Support & Befriending programmes. Older people are […]
October 11, 2022

Older people in Kerry need your support – ALONE is calling for members of the public in Kerry to volunteer their friendship

Dublin, 11th October 2022 ALONE, the organisation which supports older people to age at home, is recruiting volunteers in Kerry. The organisation is encouraging members of the public to get involved in their local community by volunteering to participate in their various volunteer Support & Befriending programmes. Older people are […]
September 30, 2022

ALONE celebrates International Day of the Older Person 2022 by highlighting intergenerational connection – Charity highlights loneliness and lack of connection among older and younger people

Dublin, 30th September: ALONE the charity that supports older people in Ireland is celebrating International Day of the Older Person on Saturday October 1st. This day is all about celebrating the positive contribution that older people have made and continue to make to our society, culture and economy as well […]
September 26, 2022

ALONE calls on Government to make the right decisions in tomorrow’s budget – “€10 on the pension is not enough” say older person’s charity

Dublin, 26th September: In light of the Budget to be announced tomorrow, ALONE is reiterating their calls for an increase in the pension of at least €20.   The charity which enables older people to age at home says that the Budget this year has the potential to support older […]