December 10, 2021

McDonnells announce support of ALONE’s Christmas campaign: ‘ALONE at Christmas’

Inspired by ALONE’s Christmas Campaign, McDonnells Curry Sauce is pleased to announce a donation of €10,000 to ALONE to kickstart the 2021 Christmas campaign and partnership. In addition, they are providing McDonnells food hampers to all members of the ALONE housing network to enjoy over the festive period.
December 6, 2021

ALONE encourage older people to take extra care as Met Éireann issues orange weather warning for the Galway, Clare, Limerick, Kerry and Cork

Dublin, 6th December 2021   ALONE is urging older people to take extra care following the status orange weather warning issued by Met Éireann for Galway, Clare, Limerick, Kerry and Cork as Storm Barra develops over the Atlantic. In place from 3am on Tuesday morning to 11pm Wednesday night, very strong […]
November 24, 2021

Help us leave no one ALONE at Christmas

Help us leave no one ALONE at Christmas ALONE want your time this Christmas as they support older people across the county 23rd November 2021, Dublin   ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age at home, has launched their Christmas campaign today, containing a revelation: the secret to combatting […]
November 1, 2021

Celebrate everything #Befriendingls with ALONE

The organisation supports older people to age happily and securely at home Dublin, 31st October 2021  ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age at home is celebrating everything #BefriendingIs for Befriending Week this November, 1st – 7th 2021. Central to the culture of their organisation, ALONE are working towards achieving an Ireland where older people can age happily and securely at home while being strongly connected to their local communities.
October 12, 2021

‘Budget 2022 missed opportunity to make Ireland a country fairer for old and young alike’, says ALONE

The organisation made the comment in response to Budget 2022 Dublin, 12th October 2021: ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age at home, has today responded to Budget 2022. The organisation says that Budget 2022 highlights Ireland as a country where quality of life in old age is […]
October 8, 2021

‘Pension age increase re-writes the social contract in Ireland’, says ALONE

Dublin 8th October 20221: ALONE, the organisation that supports older people at home, has today said that it rejects the recommendation from the Pensions Commission on increasing the State Pension age. The Commission recommended that the State Pension be increased, on a gradual basis, to 68. The organisation said that […]
October 6, 2021

Call on Government to appoint a champion for National Positive Ageing Strategy

An Alliance of seven major organisations working in the ageing sector has called on Government to appoint a lead person to take charge of implementing the National Positive Ageing Strategy, in its Pre-Budget Submission 2022. Members of The Alliance of Age Sector NGOs (the Alliance) have made two calls on […]
September 29, 2021


Vodafone announces two new strategic charity partners – ALONE and Active Retirement Ireland. Vodafone invests over €2M in Hi Digital, a nationwide social partnership with ALONE and Active Retirement Ireland, to deliver online and in-person digital skills training for older people. Hi Digital is designed to support over 230,000 older […]
September 26, 2021

15,000 older people supported by ALONE in 2020

ALONE have released their 2020 Annual Report, ‘The Story of Resilience, Dedication and Commitment’ Dublin, 27 September 2021   ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age at home, launched its Annual Report, ‘The Story of Resilience, Dedication and Commitment’, demonstrating growth of 174% in the number of older people […]
September 17, 2021

‘In no uncertain terms will a €5 increase in the State Pension be acceptable’

ALONE says Budget 2022 must deliver on commitment made by government at setting the State Pension at 34% of average earnings Dublin, 17th September: ALONE, the charity that supports older people to age at home, has today responded to recent publications from the Department of Finance regarding the State Pension […]
September 14, 2021

‘Fuel Allowance accounted for with fees, taxes and increased charges’, says ALONE

The organisation also highlights energy supplier increases of up to nearly €500 this year Dublin, 13th September 2021: ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age at home, today called on government to extend the Fuel Allowance season to 32-weeks and increase the payment by €4 per week. The […]
September 10, 2021

ALONE strongly oppose reported pension age increase recommendation from the Commission on Pensions

ALONE is disappointed to learn of the reports that the Commission on Pensions is to recommend gradually increasing the pension age from 2028 to 2031. The organisation states, ‘working into our late 60s and beyond should be an option, not an obligation, particularly for older works engaged in labour-intensive work.’ […]
September 7, 2021

ALONE calls for Budget 2022 to be the budget that finally supports older people now and in the future

Dublin, 7th September 2021: ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age safely and securely at home, has today launched its Budget 2022 submission, ‘Future-proofing Ireland for Older People’. The organisation has put forward a number of recommendations across social protection, housing, health and loneliness that aims to support […]
July 20, 2021

ALONE encourage public to check in on older neighbours, friends and relatives as temperatures spike in the coming week

ALONE, the organisation which supports older people, is urging older people to be careful and take necessary precautions as temperatures are set to rise this week, following separate warnings from Met Éireann, the HSE and the Department of Health, as daytime high temperatures are set to remain in the 27 to 30 degree range over coming days.
July 19, 2021

50,000 calls received from Older People by ALONE

ALONE, the organisation which supports older people, has received over 50,000 calls into their Service, which paves the way towards direct access to their integrated service model. ALONE has been supporting an increasing number of older people in need, through the COVID-19 pandemic with their National Support Line crucial in mobilising a rapid response in every county to make sure everyone is looked after. Their dedicated line acts as a gateway to their integrated service model and means that older people across the Country have one direct link for services, advice and information.
July 8, 2021

‘Budget 2022 must lift older people out of poverty’, says ALONE

ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age safely and securely at home, has put forward a series of asks in their Submission to the Department of Social Protection in advance of this year’s Budget, highlighting income gaps faced by older people and calling for a number of factors to be considered by the Department in order to protect Ireland’s growing ageing population.
June 21, 2021

#ChangeOneDay: Combat Loneliness being felt by older people with ALONE

ALONE, the organisation which supports older people, is highlighting the dangerous effects of loneliness being felt by older people in lieu of Loneliness Awareness Week. The Loneliness Taskforce have remarked that they wish to raise awareness of Loneliness in June each year as they advance towards their goals. ALONE is similarly campaigning for members of the public to reach out to an older neighbour, friend, relative or someone they don’t really know that well in order to #ChangeOneDay.
June 15, 2021

‘Addressing loneliness has become more important than ever’, says Taskforce

The Loneliness Taskforce has today commented that addressing loneliness has become more important than ever before, with levels of loneliness almost doubling in one year alone. This week the loneliness Taskforce are talking about and encouraging conversation around experiencing loneliness. In doing so, they hope to combat the stigma and shame around loneliness and the impact it has on our wellbeing, all while making change for those experiencing it. In the years to come, the Loneliness Taskforce want to continue to use this week in June to destigmatise and talk about the effects of Loneliness.