December 4, 2020

ALONE and Dublin City Council urge communities to reach out to older people this winter

Lord Mayor launches ALONE and Dublin City Council Cold Weather Initiative
December 3, 2020

Coca-Cola donates €30,000 to ALONE to help battle loneliness this Christmas

Coca-Cola is donating €30,000 to support ALONE services this Christmas and is asking young people around the country to connect safely with an older person and share a video, image or a story...
November 30, 2020

Vodafone Ireland Launches the ALONE ‘Gift of Connection’ Appeal

From 1st December to 6th January customers can trade-in old mobile phone devices and allocate a portion of the credit to purchase a new mobile phone for an older person through ALONE
November 27, 2020

Give a Helping Hand’ with ALONE this Christmas

Kathryn Thomas is asking the public to reach out and give a helping hand to older people who may be struggling during the festive season
November 25, 2020

Christmas FM is back on the airwaves meaning it’s officially Christmas!

Christmas FM wants to “Give the Gift of Home” this year by raising over €200,000 which will go directly to ALONE, a fitting charity partner considering it’s been such a difficult year for our older population
November 4, 2020

ALONE launches Gratitude Campaign thanking older people, staff and supporters

The campaign celebrates the organisation’s work to improve the quality of life for older people across the country
January 24, 2020

Housing and Health: Time for Action for Older People

The number of people aged 65 and over is projected to increase from 629,800 in 2016 to between 1.5 and 1.6 million by 2051. The needs of older people must play a central role for this Government and in the years to come.
February 12, 2016

ALONE’s Election Campaign – #AGE16

ALONE are asking the government to implement plans for our ageing demographic and commit to four key aspects that will ensure Ireland’s older population are supported to age at home with dignity
December 9, 2015

Jedward to donate Christmas sales of single Leave A Mark to ALONE

ALONE are delighted to announce that pop duo Jedward will be donating all Christmas sales from their single Leave A Mark to assist ALONE’s work with older persons
October 5, 2015

Homeless in all but name

We are asking the government to plan effectively for the housing needs of our ageing population and designate a portion of all social housing units for use by older people
July 20, 2015

Home Truths Campaign

We are asking the government to plan effectively for the housing needs of our ageing population and designate a portion of all social housing units for use by older people
July 3, 2015

ALONE pre-budget submission 2016 calls for Restoration of Benefits and Services for Vulnerable Older People

ALONE is calling on the government to increase the state pension by implementing the triple lock model which has proven successful in the UK and elsewhere