July 8, 2021

‘Budget 2022 must lift older people out of poverty’, says ALONE

ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age safely and securely at home, has put forward a series of asks in their Submission to the Department of Social Protection in advance of this year’s Budget, highlighting income gaps faced by older people and calling for a number of factors to be considered by the Department in order to protect Ireland’s growing ageing population.
June 21, 2021

#ChangeOneDay: Combat Loneliness being felt by older people with ALONE

ALONE, the organisation which supports older people, is highlighting the dangerous effects of loneliness being felt by older people in lieu of Loneliness Awareness Week. The Loneliness Taskforce have remarked that they wish to raise awareness of Loneliness in June each year as they advance towards their goals. ALONE is similarly campaigning for members of the public to reach out to an older neighbour, friend, relative or someone they don’t really know that well in order to #ChangeOneDay.
June 15, 2021

‘Addressing loneliness has become more important than ever’, says Taskforce

The Loneliness Taskforce has today commented that addressing loneliness has become more important than ever before, with levels of loneliness almost doubling in one year alone. This week the loneliness Taskforce are talking about and encouraging conversation around experiencing loneliness. In doing so, they hope to combat the stigma and shame around loneliness and the impact it has on our wellbeing, all while making change for those experiencing it. In the years to come, the Loneliness Taskforce want to continue to use this week in June to destigmatise and talk about the effects of Loneliness.
June 14, 2021

Minister Mary Butler launches new ALONE services in Tipperary and Waterford

ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age safely and securely at home, has launched a series of new services today in the South of the country; The Good Morning South Tipperary service and the Waterford Contact Services project were launched today by Minister for Mental Health and Older people, Mary Butler, TD. Also present at the launch were ALONE CEO Seán Moynihan, and Barbara Murphy, Head of Older People Services, HSE South East Community Healthcare.
June 4, 2021

“We are heading towards generation after generation experiencing preventable housing issues that are already worsening today.”

ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age at home, has today put forward nine recommendations in their submission for the new housing strategy being devised by the Department of Housing. By outlining their essential age inclusive additions, ALONE want to prevent the catastrophic effects the current housing situation on the existing older cohort and the ageing population that follows. 
May 12, 2021

ALONE welcome Government’s approval of Sláintecare Implementation Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2023

ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age safely and securely at home, has welcomed and is encouraged by the Sláintecare Implementation Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2023, published this morning. The organisation has previously advocated for improved healthcare to support Ireland’s growing ageing population, and believe that the implementation of this plan will benefit older people as they return to society in the coming weeks and months.
April 21, 2021

‘Housing with Supports offers tangible alternative to nursing home care,’ says ALONE

The organisation made the comment in welcoming the Department of Housing’s latest Statement of Strategy Dublin, 21st April 2021   ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age safely and securely at home, has welcomed and is encouraged by the Statement of Strategy 2021 – 2025 released by the Department […]
April 12, 2021

ALONE highlights the importance of physical movement to combat frailty among older people re-emerging into society

The organisation is encouraging older people to stay active on National Arthritis Week, taking place from the 12th – 18th of April Dublin, 12 April 2021     ALONE, the organisation which supports older people, is highlighting the importance of physical movement for joint health in older people during National Arthritis Week, […]
April 7, 2021

ALONE stands with the World Health Organisation in building a fairer, healthier world for all

World Health Day takes place today, Wednesday 7th of April Dublin, 7 April 2021       This year on World Health Day, Wednesday 7th April, ALONE, the organisation which supports older people, is calling on Government leaders to ensure that everyone has access to services and living conditions that are conducive to good […]
April 1, 2021

ALONE urges Government to begin their plans towards a re-emergence programme for older and medically vulnerable groups

The organisation is disappointed at the lack of planning towards older people in the Government’s announcement     Dublin, 31 March 2021  In light of yesterday’s Government announcement, ALONE, the organisation which supports older people, has expressed disappointment at the continued lack of reference to older people in Government plans for […]
March 30, 2021

‘New rural development policy a step in the right direction’

ALONE is hopeful that the policy will support older people to use technology and stay connected with their families and communities Dublin, 30th March 2021   ALONE, the organisation that supports older people to age at home, has welcomed the publication from Government detailing a framework for the development of rural […]
March 15, 2021

ALONE | HFAs Social Investment Fund

ALONE were delighted to have been awarded €35,000 under the HFAs Social Investment Fund. This funding has gone towards financing provisions in the Kitchen, Sitting Room, Bedroom fitting and fixtures of our Jamestown Court Development, Inchicore, Dublin 8. Our Jamestown Court refurbishment scheme has 12 units of accommodation for older […]
March 11, 2021

One Year On: ALONE reflects on the year milestone since first COVID-19 restrictions were put in place

ALONE’s National Support Line: a gateway to their integrated system of services Dublin, 10th March 2021   ALONE, the organisation which supports older people is reflecting on a year supporting an increasing number of older people in need amid ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. One year ago, ALONE’s National Support line became the […]
March 8, 2021

“COVID-19 Resilience and Recovery plan, ‘The Path Ahead’ does not address older people”

ALONE is urgently requesting a long-term re-emergence programme for older people and those within socially and medically vulnerable groups Dublin, 8 March 2021   ALONE, the organisation which supports older people, are disappointed at the lack of reference to older people in recent Government announcements. The organisation has emphasised the need […]
March 5, 2021

‘Housing Adaptation Grant falls short of meeting housing needs of older people’, says ALONE

While the charity welcomed the investment, it falls short of the estimated €84.5 million needed to help older people make their homes age-friendly Dublin, March 5th 2021: ALONE, the charity that supports older people, has today said that the €75 million announced by the Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien for […]
February 26, 2021

‘HRB research highlights benefit of Housing with Supports model for older people, says ALONE Dublin,

Dublin, 25th February 2021   ALONE, the organisation that supports older people, has welcomed the publication of an evidence review by the Health Research Board (HRB) which highlights the benefit of Housing with Support model to support older people age in place. The organisation has previously called for reform of housing […]
February 22, 2021

ALONE, Declan O’Rourke and Bonfire team up for the launch of the charity’s ‘Love is the Way” Advertisement campaign

The organisation continues to support older people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, among other issues Dublin, 21 February 2021:   ALONE, the organisation which supports older people, have teamed up with Declan O’Rourke and Bonfire Dublin to release their ‘Love is the Way’ Advertisement campaign, calling on members of the […]
February 8, 2021

‘Benefit Payment a step towards closing pension gap for older people’, says ALONE

The charity stressed that the payment itself is below what people are entitled to, at €203 Dublin, 8th February 2021   ALONE, the organisation that supports and empowers older people, has welcomed Benefit Payment for older people who are in limbo between their employment being ceased at 65 and reaching the […]